Ada tugas gambar "boobs".. don't get me wrong, my group got breast cancer as theme for this assignment.. some of us must make poster, and we choose myself and dhini...
great, i even can't do photoshop things... so i must draw, and then again my drawing tools is about.... zero,
Should i draw with only pencil and on HVS paper?
Terus ada revisi, harus cari penyebab lain dari IM selain yang ada pada proposal saya, terus tambah disfungsi endotel.. but contrary to them (boobs, and IM) i got myself attached with Deutsch!!
What a random stuff innit? but no.. little boy in me, again heard about germany one more time!! and he said "yo better learn it now! in order to keep your dream real... i mean it gettin closer mate!" (yah i dunno he sounds a lil bit australian in my head,, IDK forget it!!)
yap, hasrat ini menggebu lagi.. pasti ada jalan, we can make our own way!
kali ini dapat link belajar deutsch yang keren, i hope i can learn so much!! i also downloaded an app,, babbel (CMIW)... Allahuakbar!! Pasti bisa!
WE just need to LEARN MORE, LISTEN MORE, PRAY MORE, be MORE PATIENT... and go get it, bite it with the molars.. grrrrgh
ooo right about the assignment, hssh, i should buy marker, and search about IM ;the etiology and etc etc!!
AFTER i got bored learn das deutsch!
OKTOBER, 7:54 9102013