Love, care and share.. we can be stronger!!

hari ini sabtu malam,, selasa ujian,, terus ada remed, terus ada skripsi,,,

banyak ya... ini malah buat catatan yang tidak jelas, tapi penting (biasa, saya gak tau mo cerita ke siapa)
well, tidak pernah tahu kapan adik saya mulai mengganti cover profile twitternya

awalnya cuman mau lihat tweet dia, dia juara berapa , biasanya dia agak capcuss di twitter tentang kehidupannya,
pas lihat cover itu,, terenyuh,

ada stick figures,, ada anak yang di gendong ayahnya, sambil sang Ayah yang kumisan bilang
"HAHA, someday, son.. you'll big enough to carry me arround"
next to that.. ada gambar anak menggendong peti mati ayahnya dengan muka sedih

hemm, melihatnya perih sekali,
He's the youngest when dad passed away,
He's so strong i never heard he complain about his life (except for his acne)..
but yet he's so fragile,
 as his older bro..  now, i should do more chit chat with him..
saya didampingi bapak sampe 17 tahun, dia umur 13..
i've ever caught him sleep with his swollen eyes and holding dad's photos.
but he never ever said he miss dad... he kept it inside!! that was really hurt me inside

My lil bro, i know i am not as strong as dad, as wise as dad, but i just want you to know.

yakin aja Yang Maha Kuasa, buat kamu, kita semua kuat!
Banyak sekali cobaan hidup dan kadang2 bikin hati teriris, ingin cerita ke orang2 tapi rasanya malah bikin orang-orang kasihan saja... tidak! saya harus membuktikan saya kuat, agar orang2 di sekitar saya ikut kuat

cerita lain:
when my sis called me early that day (on my birthday)
i was so excited tought she wanted to give me a happy birthday song, as usual,,
but then she cried, and told me her story,,
i cried, not because she forgot my birthday,( she called me later that night and wished me a happy birthday)
Because, she cried like a little girl about her problem.
i kept my sound as strong as i can, so that she couldn't hear that i was crying too,,
i was sobbing, and suffocated,

we are now adult now, we should try to communicate as a wiser person,
we have a wonderful mom, we have to make her happy,
we can cooperate, can build each other, can cheer up each other,
its ok to be sad, it's good to miss dad..
but we have to stay in a best condition...

I love my brother my sister!

maafkan apabila hancur!