SCREENING for you, for your lover, for your future children

Pre-marital screening is a comprehensive group of tests specially designed for those who are planning to get married. The tests enable an individual to identify potential health problems which are not detected by physical examination that might affect their children.
Many people are not aware of their state of health. An individual might look healthy but he may be a silent carrier to potentially contagious or serious hereditary disorders. A routine blood test will reveal such conditions so that necessary precautions or course of treatment could be initiated to avoid affecting or passing on the disease to the next generation.
Pre-marital screening enables an individual to :-
  1. to assess his or her own general health status and maintain good physical health for a 'happily ever after' marriage.
  2. to detect any infective disease e.g. sexually transmitted diseases
  3. to screen for common hereditary conditions that may affect future offspring e.g. thalassaemia, G6PD deficiency.
  4. to assess a woman's readiness for child bearing e.g. Rubella, Blood group, anaemia.

In Our country this action (premarital screening) remains low. That may happen because our societies don’t know how important this action is, In medical sight, we can reduce the amount of genetical disorder that would impact our next generation.
In Palembang, South Sumatera, as the largest amount (in Indonesia) of silent carrier of thalassemia threat, some people has alarmed of this action. Before they get married they do the test, maybe which is due to many children in South Sumatera has shown or expressed the disease. I also suggest all people; take the test before the string gets attached (you know, falling in love so bad that you don’t want to leave your gf or bf just because you both a carrier of some disease,). Yeah, even this just reduce the risk but it is really means a lot.
Lets prepare for best generation, and you know, that is not a myth that, prevent is way easier than to cure. Let’s make our marriage strong, satisfying, and healthy.

 NB: ( I try to make this blog worth reading, by putting some usefull information, it is in English because the source is in english, it'll take too long for me to translate it, so ENJOY!) source : bp Healthcare and mayoclinic (later i ll find another strong source ya)

maafkan apabila hancur!